Easy Ways to Create YouTube Video Thumbnails Using Smartphone
Cara Mudah Membuat Thumbnail Video YouTube Menggunakan Smartphone (Arunapasman)

YOGYAKARTA - Thumbnails on YouTube videos that you upload are important for attracting viewers. With attractive Thumbnails, YouTube videos that you upload can have high views.

Quoted from Digitaltrends, Thumbnails are visual media that can explain the content of the video and the title of the content. It is also very useful to attract viewers to click on your video.

The reason is, the title of the video is usually truncated if the number of characters is too long. Therefore, with the Thumbnail depiction of your YouTube video, viewers can know from the cover only.

YouTube creators can also create interesting Thumbnails using video editing applications on a PC or laptop such as Adobe Premiere and others. However, to operate the application, a computer or laptop with high specs is required.

However, you don't need to worry because creating Thumbnails is now easy to do. You can also make it with a smartphone.

If you don't know how to create Thumbnails using a smartphone, in this article, VOI editorial team has summarized the steps you can take.

How to Create Thumbnails on Smartphone

To create YouTube video Thumbnails using a smartphone, users can first download a photo editing application. One application that you can use is Adobe Spark Post.

Users can download it on the Play Store or App Store for free. After downloading the application, you can open it and it will go to the main page.

Next, to create a new Thumbnail image, you can click on the "+" icon available on the main page. You can search for an image or background to use for your YouTube video Thumbnail.

Once you find the image you want, click the "Add" menu, and select the Thumbnail size for your YouTube video. After that, click "Done".

Furthermore, you can edit the selected image with the available icons within the application. You can also add text, in the "Edit" menu then select the "Text" icon.

You can write the sentence you use, in the form of a title or other catchy word that can attract viewers to see your video. You can also adjust the color of the text and photos as you wish to make them more attractive.

Once the knick-knacks you want have been entered, and your YouTube video Thumbnails are sufficient, users can click on the "Download" icon on the top right to save them.

Next, the Thumbnails that you create will be stored on your smartphone's internal memory and can be used to cover YouTube videos that you upload. Users can also install the YouTube video Thumbnail through YouTube Studio.

That's how to easily create Thumbnails for YouTube videos using the Adobe Spark Post application that you can do using a smartphone.

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