JAKARTA - The Indonesian ride hailing company Gojek, plans to stop several services from the GoLife platform. This policy was made after seeing most of the stagnant business performance of GoLife's services.

At least five GoLife services will be closed, namely GoGlam, GoFix, GoAuto, GoDaily, GoLaundry and Service Marketplace. According to the Head of GoLife, Wesly Simatupang, the closure of some of these services is to optimize one service focus on their application.

"Currently, the contribution of GoClean and GoMassage services reaches nearly 90 percent of the total orders in the GoLife ecosystem. Thus, review and refocus needs to be done to ensure sustainable business growth, as well as to ensure consumers can still enjoy maximum services from the GoLife ecosystem," Wesly wrote in his press statement, Wednesday, December 18.

Wesly added that despite the closure of several services, GoLife will still make partner welfare a top priority in this process. Later GoLife partners will be given several offers and training.

"We have carried out a number of initiatives to ensure partners still have the option of earning additional income, including by joining as partners in other Gojek services," said Wesly.

Some of the initiatives provided are to provide opportunities for partners to register for various other services in the Gojek ecosystem, from joining as GoRide and GoCourrier partners, GoPay and GoTix business partners, to Established Business partners and providing training and start-up capital for those who join to become partners of Established Enterprises, to make it easier for them to start new businesses.

"Specifically, our GoFix partners provide the opportunity for their wives to register as partners of Established Businesses. Opening opportunities to enter other similar online service platforms in the market. This is done by facilitating them to attend the Independent Job Fair organized by the Ministry of Manpower. Kerja and Talent.id, "he explained.

In fact, the GoLife service on the Gojek platform was born as part of the Gojek ecosystem. Its mission is to provide solutions to everyday problems faced by consumers through stylish services.

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