JAKARTA - Gunawan Dwi Cahyo explained the reason he pawned his son's car, Miro Materazzi Gunawan, which was allegedly carried out without the permission of his ex-wife, Okie Agustina.

Because this also finally made Okie send an open subpoena to Gunawan to immediately return the car that had become his son's right.

Through his attorney, Sunan Kalijaga, Gunawan revealed the reason he pawned the car was due to his economic limitations. Not to mention Sunan said that Gunawan had just carried out an operation.

"He is indeed with all his limitations at this time with his current condition, which has just recovered from his operation," said Sunan Kalijaga, quoted by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Wednesday, July 3.

"Automatically an athlete when he can't play or achieve of course from economic income can be understood if I am private," he continued.

Sunan again conveyed the reason he did not ask Okie for permission to pawn the car due to urgent needs related to his health.

"He complained yesterday that 'This is true, Mas Sunan, I asked Mbak Okie for permission to pawn it for the sake of my operation, my health'. Oh yes, I have said," he said.

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