JAKARTA – The impact of the viral sunrise from the west in the social media world some time ago, the US Space Agency (NASA) commented on the social media post and firmly denied the truth.

In the post, which was written in Thai and English, it was stated that the Sun had an unusual activity due to the reversal of the magnetic field. To justify his claim, the post added a NASA post supporting the information.

“Earth will rotate in the opposite direction causing the Sun to appear from the west side. Researchers believe that we are moving towards a magnetic field reversal that will mark the end of humanity and near the end of the apocalypse," the post said.

This statement was denied by NASA. Bettina Inclan as NASA's Associate Administrator for Communications revealed that her party had never issued such a prediction.

On the other hand, Inclan confirmed the existence of a magnetic reversal event. He revealed that it did happen and scientists were studying it too.

Although there is a magnetic reversal, it does not make the Earth rotate in the opposite direction. So is the Sun.

"The magnetic field reversal is indeed a real phenomenon that has happened several times in the past and scientists around the world are studying it, but the statement that this makes the Earth rotate in the opposite direction makes the Sun rise from the west is wrong," said Bettina.

There is one planet in the Solar System that experiences the rising of the Sun from the west, namely Venus. Because the planet Venus rotates backwards. The planet orbits the Sun for 243 days and 225 days. This causes the appearance of the Sun on Venus only occurs twice a year.

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