Tokopedia's Business Strategy Utilizes Human Touch, Data And Technology
Tokopedia has implemented a digital-based CX strategy (photo: tokopedia)

JAKARTA - Online shopping is currently an activity that consumers often do, considering the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing, they are also doing it from home.

Of course, online shopping is quite different from visiting an offline store directly. For consumers, it is not only about price, quality and delivery services that are considered when shopping online, but also the service and ease of filing various complaints during the transaction process.

According to Tokopedia's Co-Founder and Vice Chairman, Leontinus A. Edison, customers are the top priority for the online shopping platform with the green logo. The man who is familiarly called Leon also plans to hold a consumer experience (CX).

This virtual event will carry the theme "Reimagining the Right Blend of Human Touch Technology and Data Analytics for the Best Customer Experience" to empower, connect, and continue to develop the potential of Indonesia's consumer experience (CX) through the human touch.

"At Tokopedia itself, we have implemented a digital-based CX strategy, with a blend of human touch, technology and data, to create the best experience for all customers in Indonesia," said Leon at an online event, Wednesday, September 1.

Leon added, this event will provide enough benefits because now times have changed and are increasingly complex, which ultimately forces human life, especially during the pandemic, to transform to digital.

"Tokopedia certainly cannot work alone and we will be successful if we collaborate and innovate. The target is we must continue to develop the Indonesian economy together," said Leon.

Not only that, this conference will also review the best CX practices in various fields such as banking, telecommunications, government and various other industries.

The activity, also dubbed the Tokopedia START CX First Summit 2021, will be held on Saturday, September 4, at 09.00 to 17.00, if you want to take part, it is recommended to register and take part in online activities through the Tokopedia Academy Official YouTube Inside Tokopedia site.

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