3 Sophisticated Features You Should Pay Attention When Buying An Expensive Phone
Features of Ultra flagship Handphone (Makeuseof)

YOGYAKARTA - Every year there is always a new cell phone. And if you are not a fan of Apple, this condition is certainly a little difficult. The reason is, there are so many choices of the latest series of Android phones that are launched every year!

Of course, the variety of options available is not necessarily a bad thing. The positive effect is that it becomes easier for users to get a cellphone that suits their needs and funds. Moreover, manufacturers have also produced mobile phones that target certain segments.

Among the many choices, the type of ultra-flagship phone is still the one that steals the most attention. The high price is balanced with advanced features and elegant design, of course, making many users dream of it.

But, if you are really interested in buying this type of phone, don't miss the description below. The VOI team has compiled from various sources several advanced features that you must pay attention to. Anything? Just scrolling, okay?

Design and Quality

When you decide to spend tens of millions to buy an ultra-high-end phone, you have to be firm. No compromise. Especially when it comes to the design quality of the device.

The latest mobile phones must be equipped with innovative designs. Examples such as the Samsung Galaxy Fold and Galaxy Z which offer a folding screen. In addition, also pay attention to the type of material that wraps the device.

Do not let you buy a cell phone that is still coated with plastic material. You see, the device will fail to add to your prestige and charm.

High-Resolution Screen

For years, OLED and AMOLED panels have become an integral part of flagship smartphones. However, some manufacturers prefer IPS panels in order to save on production costs -which you should avoid.

Yes, with prices above Rp10 million, again, you are not allowed to negotiate. The phone to be purchased must be equipped with an AMOLED or OLED screen.

Other than that, don't! However, it is not only the type of panel that you must pay attention to. The quality of the resulting graphics must also be taken into account.

The phone must be able to produce high-quality graphics. For example QHD with a resolution of 1440 pixels. But, that is the minimum graphic quality.

High Refresh Rate

Now, almost all flagship phones are equipped with screens that have a high refresh rate. In fact, some middle-class cell phone models are also equipped with this technology. So, the refresh rate is one feature that should not be compromised.

There are many advantages of this graphic quality. If you previously used a device with a refresh rate of only 60Hz, you can definitely feel the difference between the two.

To be sure, the image becomes more detailed, the colors are sharp, and the game movement looks smoother.

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