JAKARTA - The activities of young people through new media in today's digital era are very likely to present solutions to the existing problems of the nation. Meanwhile, the House of Representatives and the government have so far been committed to making policies to accelerate digital transformation through programs to expand access and improve digital infrastructure.

This came to light in a webinar entitled Social Media and Creativity in the Digital Era which was held in Jakarta, Thursday, August 19. The webinar via zoom organized by the DPR together with the Ministry of Communication and Information was attended by 150 students from the North Sumatra region and parts of the Greater Jakarta area, presenting the Chairperson of Commission 1 of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Meutya Hafid, Professor of Sebelas Maret University, Professor Widodo Muktiyo and Content Creator, Budiawan.

"The House of Representatives Commission I encourages the government to continue to disseminate good social media methods so that they can create digital literacy for the community, especially among the younger generation", said Meutya Hafid.

The female politician from the Golkar Party said that the younger generation and millennials have a strategic role as pioneers of digital society in Indonesia. This can be seen from the majority of generation Y or millennials who dominate as social media users from the total population in Indonesia.

"This relates to a report from We Are Social in 2021 which noted that the average global e-commerce adoption was 78.6 percent. Meanwhile, there was 88.1 percent of internet users in Indonesia used e-commerce services to buy products. On the other hand, this percentage is the highest in the world", he said.

At the same place, Professor of Sebelas Maret University, Professor Widodo Muktiyo said that diversity, whether culturally, geographically, religiously, politically, and economically, is a great potential and modality that Indonesia has. The millennial generation, Widodo continued, is expected to be able to answer the challenges in the development of digital technology today.

Widodo reminded the need for filters when interacting with the wider community in such a fast-paced digital space. According to him, the use of digital progress must also be contextualized by Indonesian society and national values.

"Make pluralism in Indonesia a strength to deal with the impacts of globalization which may be negative or not suitable for our nation. Let's share good, true, and useful information to help the wider community", he said.

Meanwhile, content creator, Budiawan, said that currently there are many digital platforms to be able to create innovation and creativity on social media. Even so, Budiawan, who is also a radio broadcaster in Medan City, reminded that successful content on social media is consistent.

"In this case, it is important to determine when we have to upload content so that there is the discipline in our work", he said.

In addition, Budiawan continued, good social media content is content that requires careful preparation. "This includes interacting with followers or followers, this is so that there is an emotional bond so that they wait for our next posts on social media", he said.

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