JAKARTA - Regarding the leakage of customer data, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) summoned the directors of BRI Life to immediately investigate the alleged case that occurred last Tuesday, July 27.
"The Ministry of Communication and Informatics has received information regarding the alleged leak of BRI Life's personal data and has taken quick steps in accordance with applicable laws and regulations," said Ministry of Communications and Informatics spokesman Dedy Permadi in an official statement, Wednesday, July 28.
Dedy said the Ministry of Communication and Informatics had carried out a number of steps and in-depth investigations whether the data was proven to belong to BRI Life customers.
"Since Tuesday, July 27, 2021 until now, the Directorate of Information Application Control has conducted an internal investigation to deepen the sampling of personal data that is suspected of being leaked," said Dedy.
But unfortunately, until now Dedy said that his party had not been able to confirm the results obtained from the investigation of the alleged data leak.
"Until now, the investigation is still ongoing and the results cannot be concluded," explained Dedy.
Reported earlier, in a screenshot uploaded by cyber crime monitoring company @HRock on Twitter, it can be seen that many domains and subdomains of BRI were taken.
When checked on the raid forums, there was an account called Reckt that had uploaded a sample of the data he was selling, but a few moments later it was deleted. The account is reported to have sold a customer database of more than 2 million BRI Life Insurance customers and scanned documents of more than 463 thousand.
The data includes ID cards, family cards, NPWP, photos of bank account books, birth certificates, death certificates, letters of agreement, proof of transfers, proof of finances, proof of health certificates such as ECG, diabetes and others.
“There are as many as 463,519 document files with a size of up to 252 GB and there is also a database file containing 2 million BRI Life customers with a size of 410MB. For the self-sample given the size of 2.5 GB contains many document files. The two complete files are offered at a price of 7,000 US dollars equivalent to Rp. 101 million and are paid for in bitcoin," said Pratama in an official statement received by VOI, Wednesday, July 28.
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