JAKARTA – A popular mobile phone brand at that time, Blackberry is now reportedly ready to enter the global smartphone market with a 5G qwerty phone. Blackberry announced its readiness after announcing the Pre-Commitment program for its consumers. Blackberry is ready to hit the 5G market share of the world.

Through this program, consumers can find out information about the development of Blackberry phones, and the features and availability of smartphones. Not only that, BB fans will also be able to contribute in the form of input related to devices being developed by the company.

BB consumers will be able to “directly influence product features and functionality” as quoted from Android Central on Tuesday 27 July.

The plan to launch a 5G smartphone was initiated after Blackberry teamed up with OnwardMobility. This partnership is a strong signal for the emergence of Blackberry phones that have not entered the global mobile competition arena for a long time.

Previously, Blackberry announced the partnership with TCL must end. This makes the company stop producing the device.

For information, OnwardMobility is a mobile security solution company that focuses on businesses and enterprises. With this cooperation, Blackberry expressed its optimism in navigating the latest mobile phone market.

"To deliver a 5G Blackberry smartphone with a physical keyboard that leverages our high standards of trust and security that are synonymous with our brand", said Blackberry CEO John Chen in a statement.

Blackberry plans to present its products in the first half of 2021 in North America and Europe. However, until now Blackberry has not released a new phone. However, Blackberry confirmed it will soon realize the plan.

Consumers who enroll in the Blackberry program above will get a number of great benefits, one of which is that they can order a cellphone and get it first before the general buyer.

Android Central predicts Blackberry phones will likely not compete with the best Android phones. But Blackberry is very likely to get its own market share.

Blackberry has not provided a more detailed statement regarding the emergence of its 5G smartphone. Even so, the emergence of Blackberry phones is still interesting to look forward to.

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