YOGYAKARTA - Many users have recognized the WhatsApp service as a short messaging platform. And until now, WhatsApp is still the main choice of most smartphone users around the world.

It's just that, like most digital services, this application also requires a large amount of internet quota. Especially if when backing up messages, you can spend more than 1GB of data quota!

For some users, who have a Wi-Fi internet network installed in their homes, this is certainly not a problem. However, it is different for those who have limited internet quota. It could be because it was finished for online classes, online meetings, and many other activities.

Luckily, WhatsApp has several important features that can help users cut internet data consumption. And below, the VOI team has prepared three WA data-saving tips. So, you can use internet quota for other activities!

How Much Data Does WhatsApp Consume?

The WhatsApp service makes it easy for users to communicate with anyone in a variety of ways. Whether via text messages, voice messages, voice calls, video calls, and video conference calls. You must have used one or more of the features of this short message application, right?

However, how much data does WhatsApp need to run all these services? Unfortunately, we cannot get an answer from the company. Facebook, the owner of WhatsApp, refused to disclose it.

Citing Make use Of, WhatsApp data consumption during video calls is around 5MB per minute on 4G networks, 3.75MB on 3G, and 3MB on 2G. Meanwhile, domestic voice calls are 280KB per minute, and 330KB per minute for international voice calls.

Based on the numbers above, it is only natural that the WhatsApp application consumes the most internet data quota that you have purchased. Therefore, if you have a lot of online activities, it is important to do one of the following WA data-saving tips.

How to Save WA Data

There are three ways to save WhatsApp data that you can do. First, by reducing data consumption during voice or video calls

. The second is to disable the automatic download feature for every media you receive. While the third is to disable the data backup feature.

More fully, here are the steps to activate each of the above features.

Enable 'Reduce Data Usage'

Cara mengaktifkan kurangi penggunaan data whatsapp (Make Use Of)

This is a default feature provided by the company so that users' internet quota is more efficient. Here's how to activate it via Android or iPhone

Android : Tap the three-dot icon located in the upper right corner > tap Settings > tap the 'Storage and data' menu > slide the toggle on the 'Reduce Data Usage' menu iPhone : Enter the Settings menu by tapping the icon located in the lower right corner > select the 'Storage and data' menu > then activate the 'Reduce Data Usage' feature Disable Auto Download Feature

Cara menonaktifkan unduh otomatis file media WhatsApp (Make use of)

Usually, WhatsApp groups are the locations where you receive the most media file posts. Whether the media is in the form of images, videos, GIFs, or audio. Therefore, to save internet data, you can disable the Automatic Download feature. Here are the steps:

Android : Go to the Settings menu > tap the 'Storage and data' menu > change the command to 'No media' on the three menus located under the 'Media auto-download' menu iPhone : Go to the Settings menu > select the 'Storage and data' menu > under the 'Media auto download' menu, tap the media type and change the command to 'Never' Disable WhatsApp Messages Backup feature

Cara menonaktifkan pencadangan pesan WhatsApp (Make use of)

Yes, backing up WhatsApp messages also consumes your internet data. In fact, the number is quite large. So, you can disable this feature to save WA internet quota. Here are the steps:

Android : Go to Settings menu : select 'Chat' > tap 'Chat backup' > under 'Google Drive settings' menu tap 'Back up to Google Drive' > select 'Only when I tap Backup' iPhone : Go to Settings menu > tap Chat menu > tap 'Message Backup' > tap 'Auto Backup' then tap 'Turn off' option

Well, those are some ways to save WA data that you can do yourself. Guaranteed, your internet quota will be more efficient!

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