JAKARTA - Facebook is preparing several new features for its application, including dark mode, tracking the spread of COVID-19 and others. This feature is specifically for Android users.

Quoted from Gadgets NDTV, Tuesday, June 9, actually, the dark mode feature was launched some time ago on the Android system, but Facebook refused to apply it to the application. Although other apps from companies such as Facebook Lite, Messenger, and Instagram have added support for the feature.

Dark mode display on Facebook (doc. 9to5Google)

This feature can be activated either manually or following the theme settings of the Android 10 system. This dark mode feature was already present for desktop version of Facebook users.

Colors from dark mode tend to use dark gray with blue and white accents on the Facebook logo. Dark mode allows users to have a much better social media gaming experience at night and also saves a lot of battery.

Another feature that Facebook for Android app is working on is a tracking tool for local coronavirus cases. This tracking device, if used, will show cases for three weeks and wider cases for seven days. There is also data at the top of the page showing confirmed cases globally.

Facebook is also trying to refresh the user interface (UI) system on its platform, by adding a "Time on Facebook" feature. This feature allows users to know the length of social media activity on the Internet.

Time on Facebook feature (doc. 9to5Google)

In this feature, Facebook will make a simple overhaul. Facebook has also added a silent mode in its settings for incoming message notifications.

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