JAKARTA - The handsome actor Ashton Kutcher is rumored to have sold his space ticket because his wife, Mila Kunis, scolded him. This was Kutcher revealed during AT&T's 5G event in New York City on Wednesday, to reporters at Mashable. When interviewed, did he book a flight into space and who would he choose as his companion?

Kutcher said he had already booked a flight into space. But apparently Kutcher sold it.

"It is true that I have bought a ticket to space but the fact is, I can not fly. My wife asked to sell it. She thought, the decision to buy tickets was not a wise decision for our family," said Kutcher as quoted from Mashable, Friday, July 16.

Back in 2012, billionaire Richard Branson said Kutcher did indeed get his 500th ticket for a flight on his Virgin Galactic. It is known, one seat trip into space that only orbits in 15 minutes, priced at 250,000 US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 3.6 billion, with the reservation itself 10 thousand US dollars.

Citing Space, Virgin Galactic officials initially said they hoped to take off in 2013 or 2014. However, the first fully manned flight just happened this week.

Among the crew was Virgin Galactic's own founder, billionaire Richard Branson, who launched into space on SpaceShipTwo on Sunday and returned safely the same day.

The Virgin Galactic spacecraft crashed in October 2014, and left a pilot unsafe along with another failed test flight last year, this is probably a very valid cause for Kunis' concerns.

However, seeing that Branson made his comeback yesterday, Elon Musk as CEO of SpaceX is also preparing to try the spacecraft.

Regardless, Kutcher remains hopeful, "I no longer book flights into space, (but) one day I will go to space," said Kutcher.

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