JAKARTA - Google was forced to postpone the launch of its newest operating system (OS), namely Android 11. The event, which was originally scheduled for June 3, was postponed until an undetermined time.

As reported by The Verge, via the Twitter account the Android developer reported on the delay of the 11th generation of Android OS. Google actually has plans to reveal new features in its newest Android OS.

"We are very excited to tell you more about Android 11. However, now is not the right time to celebrate. We will return with more information about Android 11, soon," wrote Google, Tuesday, June 2.

Although Google did not directly mention the reason, it looked at the situation and demonstrations that were in the aftermath of the death of black citizen George Floyd in Minnesota. Google decided to postpone the annual event.

Riots and protests spread to various other areas in the United States. In fact, the protests have reached The Bay area, where Google and its employees have offices around San Jose and Oakland.

Indeed, Google CEO Sundar Pichai also voiced support for all people of color. It even includes posts supporting racial equality on the main page of the Google search engine.

Beta Version Has Been Released

Even though Google has postponed the launch of Android 11, users can still try some of its features for the beta version. Where this update can only be tested on Google Pixel 3 and 4 devices.

Some of the new features of Android 11 are found in the Beta version. One of them is a new power menu, and a new icon for the home screen.

In addition, there is also a Bubble menu that users can use to minimize applications from becoming bubbles in the UI. It looks similar to Chat Heads on Facebook Messenger.

Not only that, Google has also released security updates for Android 10 devices. Compiled from Android Central, Google's new features include Safety Check and Recorder as well as basic services such as Adaptive Battery.

This security patch update is actually included in the Google Wellbeing feature released in December last year. Where users can monitor their various activities while using a smartphone device.

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