JAKARTA - Instagram influencers who don't clearly state that they have edited an advert's photo can be fined or jailed in Norway under a new law.

The law also applies to posting ads on other social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and Snapchat.

In Norway, advertisers and influencers paid by advertisers must clearly label Instagram posts if they have been modified. This complies with regulations passed as amendments to the Norwegian Marketing Act.

A new label designed by the Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs should be added to advertising posts that have changed a person's shape, size or complexion.

This includes influencers who advertise protection but make their lips bigger, strengthen muscles or make themselves look slimmer or bigger in certain areas.

The King of Norway King Harald V will decide when the law goes into effect. Influencers and celebrities are only subject to advertising rules if they “receive payment or other benefits” for social media posts.

Violation of the law can result in fines or even imprisonment. The move comes as social media platforms continue to face negative reactions over their potential negative impact on mental health.

In 2017, a report by the UK's Royal Society for Public Health said Instagram was the social media platform with the worst effects on young people's mental health.

Instagram has made an effort to reduce the anxiety of some users on its platform and has introduced a new tool that provides the option to hide your number of likes.

The app displays a label at the top of the screen if someone has posted a story using an augmented reality filter.

It has also banned effects that directly promote cosmetic surgical procedures.

Earlier this year, influencers were told not to add misleading filters to social media ads by the UK's Advertising Standards Authority.

The ASA ruled that filters should not be used if they exaggerate the effects of cosmetics or skincare being sold.

This means makeup influencers cannot use filters that change the color or texture of the product they are advertising. British influencers, brands and celebrities are expected to follow the new rules.

The decision comes in response to the #filterdrop campaign, which aims to require influencers to say whether they use filters when promoting beauty products.

Makeup artist and model Sasha Pallari started the campaign in July 2020 because she wanted to see more "genuine skin" featured on Instagram.

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