JAKARTA – A doctor from Australia, dr. Philipp Haig Nishke is now in the news. He made the concept of dignified death for people who want to perform euthanasia, ending life with awareness because of the suffering experienced.

Dr. Philipp previously introduced the death machine at The Funeral Fair in Amsterdam a few years ago. But now it adds special features to the machine. Previously, this machine could only be used for people who wanted to die. However, with this virtual technique, one will be able to see their death.

In fact, your own death can be seen with the help of this machine, even before you die can see through virtual reality. Virtual reality is a computer technology that creates an artificial environment. This technique tries to create a very real environment by influencing the body's vital senses.

In the 90s, Dr. Philipp had injected four of his patients whose illnesses did not go away. These people are tired of struggling with life and there is no chance of them recovering from their illness. Dr. Philipp had actually "killed" these four patients, according to the law. Since then this crazy idea even appeared in his mind.

Dr. Philipp believes that since life and death come only once, then why not leave this world in a dignified manner. That's when Dr. Philipp started working on a machine called Sarco or Sahako.

According to the Sarco website, every time a person sits on the machine, the amount of oxygen begins to decrease rapidly, and the carbon dioxide content is also low, and in many ways also called a painless happy death.

Dr. Philipp said in a conversation with Wise News that this machine is for those who want to “get away” in an unforgettable way from this world. The user can also take this machine to his favorite place, to die there. How, first of all, the patient's mental balance is checked. If the patient passes, then he will be given a code.

Dr. Philipp also said that patients can access the machine only with the help of this code. The patient opens the door of this machine, goes inside, and presses the button. During this time, the oxygen level decreases in this machine but the patient will not feel pain or suffocate.

He also said that once that was done, this biodegradable capsule detached and could serve as a coffin for anyone.

You can go on your journey by saying goodbye to your family. Death is a peaceful process in the tool.

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