JAKARTA - At the UN Generation forum which took place in Paris, the technology giant conveyed its commitment to fighting sexual harassment and increasing the safety of women on their respective platforms. They are Facebook, TikTok, Google, and Twitter.

The commitment is a follow-up to four consultations organized by the Web Foundation and lasted for 11 months. The organization then designed a policy workshop in April to develop a prototype centered on the experiences of women as those most affected by online harassment.

“Two core themes emerged: Curation, with general recommendations for creating better ways for women to manage their safety online,” the four companies wrote.

In addition, the four technology companies also promise more complete settings for users regarding who can view, comment, reply, and share their uploads.

"Easier navigation and access to security features, simpler and more accessible language throughout the user interface and proactively reducing the amount of harassment that crushers face are also among the commitments," said representatives of the four companies.

Prepare Security Features for Girls

Facebook, TikTok, Google, and Twitter have revealed that they will be developing a reporting feature. By providing a menu that can be used to track and manage report files that have been created.

In the view of the four tech giants, the provision of these features is a direct assistance provided by the company so that women can more easily access support and assistance during the reporting process.

Other commitments made by the company include providing greater capacity to understand context and/or language, as well as providing more policy and product guidance when reporting harassment.

According to the Web Foundation's explanation, these four technology companies said they would implement their respective solutions within a certain period of time. Each also provides analysis results and data on how they are delivering on their commitments.

As a first step, the Web Foundation will also publish an annual report regarding the progress that has been achieved from each platform.

In addition, more than 200 public figures have also signed an open letter to the CEO of each company. Ask them to take action based on promises made.

Public figures who have signed include Emma Watson, Gillian Anderson, UK MPs Diane Abbot and Jess Phillips, to former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

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