JAKARTA- Often internet users, especially on social media, are faced with difficulties when uploading photos in their accounts. This is because the photo size is too large.

This can cause our uploads to get rejected from their respective sites. Especially if the photo is the result of a DSLR camera that has a large resolution.

In addition, sometimes we also want to download photos or photo files from the internet to be stored on our computers or cellphones. But apparently the download didn't work because the file was too big.

Sometimes our storage memory is almost full, making it difficult to store the photo files.

But don't worry about that anymore. Several websites have provided a way to reduce photo size automatically easily and quickly. There are even websites that can reduce several photos at once, making it easier for us when we want to reduce photo files.

One such website, for example: IloveIMG. (https://www.iloveimg.com)

On this website, you can directly reduce several photos at once. It can even reach dozens of photos directly reduced. Amazingly, users can choose how many percent of the photo will be reduced. Starting from 25 percent, 50 percent, to 75 percent.

The method is also very easy. Just click upload photos to be reduced. Photo files that can be reduced from JPG, PNG, SVG or GIF extensions.

Then specify what percentage of the reduction you want to do. Next we just download the results. If you want to reduce a lot of photos, then the result is also in the form of a zip file, which is simpler.

This website also provides photo editing, photo cropping, photo conversion to other file extensions and several other features. For bloggers who use WordPress, plugins are also provided.

In addition there are also features that can create memes, provide watermarks for photos, rotate photos (rotate) and several other fun features.

But the most important of all, is that iloveIMG provides a free version which is quite complete. But if you want all the features available, then the paid version can be an option.

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