JAKARTA - At least 2.3 million voter data sourced from the General Election Commission (KPU) were uploaded to the hacker community forum. Even the hacker claims he still has 200 million other data that will be leaked.

Based on the data sample he distributed, it came from the final voter list (DPT) in the 2014 Election. These data include National Identity Number (NIK), Family Card Number (NKK) and the addresses of voters who mostly come from the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

KPU commissioner Viryan Aziz said the data leak was only a one-sided claim. According to him, most of the data in question can be accessed openly on the KPU website.

Cyber security expert Pratama Persadha regretted the KPU's attitude regarding the 2014 DPT data leak. According to him, if the data was open and accessible to the public, it would be dangerous.

"Although the KPU explains that it is open data, that does not mean that it does not need to be protected. Information data should be protected, at least encrypted so that no one can use it," said Pratama during a conversation with VOI, Friday, May 22.

It is very unfortunate for him, if the KPU considers the identity data of voters from the 2014 election, irresponsible parties cannot use it. Moreover, most of them contain someone's credentials.

"For example, combining telephone data from the marketplace with KTP and KK data, obviously this is very dangerous," added the man who also sits in the chair of the Indonesian cyber research institute CISSReC (Communication & Informatian System Security Research Center).

He appealed to the KPU not to underestimate this data leakage problem. Because personal data protection (PDP), every community must be protected by the state.

It is necessary to think further regarding the encryption security of resident data. So that events like this will not be repeated at a later date.

"Moreover, there is an election agenda for 2020, don't let this become a separate issue for the KPU. So far, the KPU's IT system has always been used as a reference when calculating the results of both elections and regional elections," Pratama explained.

From Tokopedia to Bukalapak

Prior to the KPU, cases of data leakage were also experienced by a number of e-commerce pages in Indonesia. Call it from Tokopedia, Bukalapak, to the latest Bhineka.com. The e-commerce user account data is sold on underground sites at fantastic prices.

According to an expert from cybersecurity firm Vaksincom, Alfons Tanujaya, the problem of data leakage in the digital era is no longer an open secret. Because there are many potential dangers that can be experienced by the community when their personal data is leaked.

"Perhaps the correlation is the ease with which important information is spread in this digital era. So it is not leaked or not leaked, or if you want to leak without the digital world, you can," Alfons told VOI, some time ago.

Regarding the problem of KPU voter data which contains important information such as, e-KTP NIK and KK will be very prone to be misused. With the leakage of important population data, criminals can commit fraud only with the fake identity they get.

"What needs to be a concern is how service providers provide protection for these data," he added.

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