JAKARTA - When most companies in the United States (US) started trying to reopen their offices, after the COVID-19 pandemic. Facebook actually announced that most of its employees should no longer need to work and asked them to work from home forever.

This move came shortly after Twitter, which first allowed all of its employees to work remotely, along with other technology companies such as Shopify and Coinbase.

"It's clear that COVID-19 has changed a lot about our lives, and that definitely includes the way most of us work. Coming out of this period, I hope that remote work will become a growing trend as well," Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said. quoted from the Washington Post, Friday, May 22.

Through his personal social media account, Zuck suspects that only 50 percent of his 45,000 employees can work entirely remotely, meaning they won't need to work again in the next 10 years. "I think we're going to be the most advanced remote work company on our scale," said Zuckerberg.

Facebook will also adjust the salaries of its employees who will work from home or elsewhere. Later each employee will be asked to report where they live until next July.

"That means if you live in a location where the cost of living is lower, or the cost of labor is lower, then wages do tend to be a little lower in those places," Zuckerberg added.

The husband of Priscilla Chan also said that cost savings were not the reason, allowing Facebook employees to no longer need to work in the office. Zuck said in an internal Facebook survey of his employees, half felt they could be just as productive working from home. But it is possible that most of them want to be able to return to work at the office.

According to him, the development of current technology facilities strongly supports changes in remote work systems. This policy will not only be applied to employees who work in Silicon Valley, but also several other Facebook branches.

"For now, the vast majority of employees are working remotely and are likely to continue to do so for the coming months. We have announced that anyone who can work from home can continue to do so at least in 2020," said Zuckerberg.

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