JAKARTA – Two mobile phone companies from China, Oppo and OnePlus, have reportedly merged. The aim is none other than to strengthen the company's ecosystem, including the technology variants that will be marketed.

"After combining research and development (R&D) resources with Oppo earlier this year, OnePlus will now officially join Oppo and become an independently operated company under the company", said OPPO Indonesia PR Manager, Aryo Meidianto in an official statement, Thursday, June 17.

He added that the merging of the two mobile phone companies will make them better and together make more innovative products for consumers.

"After integration, Oppo and OnePlus will be in a better position to work together to bring more innovative and different products to consumers, and provide better services", said Aryo.

In addition, Aryo revealed that the OnePlus team will continue to form other brands under the auspices of Oppo with its own marketing team. The merger of the two companies is expected to strengthen each other's resources and perpetuate the relationship between the two companies.

Pete Lau as the co-founder of OnePlus believes that the merger can provide additional resources for his party to design better products.

Although the two companies have merged, Lau explained that Oppo and OnePlus will run independently. He also said that the merger made his company more efficient. OnePlus will continue to present its own products.

"This merger can also make our company more efficient, for example, to provide OnePlus users with faster and more stable software updates", Lau said in a statement.

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