JAKARTA - Among the various technology issues that are currently being discussed, the issue related to WhatsApp's new privacy policy is perhaps the most crowded. In fact, it even created a wave of user migration – from WhatsApp to other messaging platforms.

As is known, Telegram and Signal are the two alternative applications that benefit the most. Until finally, WhatsApp also held a campaign containing a statement that there was a misunderstanding that had been spreading.

WhatsApp has also pushed back the deadline for users to agree to the new privacy policy. Feeling lacking, WhatsApp even gave a warning that accounts that did not approve until the time limit would be limited in their features and services.

But, that was the news a few months ago. Now, at the end of May, the deadline that had been set had already passed several weeks. And uniquely, based on my experience, and maybe millions of WhatsApp users out there, there are no feature restrictions on the applications that I use.

The confusion was answered through an announcement shared by WhatsApp yesterday Saturday, May 29. They explained that users who have not agreed to the new privacy policy will no longer be restricted. lol!

Turning 180 Degrees

Last April, WhatsApp said they would take firm action against accounts that refused to agree to the privacy policy. The action provided is to limit the features and services of the application. In fact, the most extreme action a user can accept is account deletion.

But that was WhatsApp's statement last April. Ahead of the turn of the month, the company decided on a more lenient strategy. In fact, tend to give up.

In a post on WhatsApp's support page, the company started the announcement by stating that no accounts will be deleted or lost functionality by May 15 as a result of this update.

According to the company's explanation, the change was made considering that most users already agreed to the new privacy policy. So, for users who have not given consent, WhatsApp will only display notifications on the application page.


"At this time, we have not planned for these reminders to persist and limit the functionality of the app", the company wrote on its support page, Saturday, May 29.

Also, for users who object to the privacy policy, WhatsApp welcomes to delete the account from the application. However, this last method is not recommended.

"Deleting your account is something we cannot return to because it will delete your entire message history, remove you from all WhatsApp groups, and delete WhatsApp chat backups", the company said.

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