JAKARTA Apple Inc. made a strong criticism of Meta Platforms Inc., for the many requests for access to Apple software tools, which is considered to endanger user privacy and security. This feud reflects the fierce rivalry between the two tech giants.
Under EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) rules that took effect last year, Apple is required to allow app developers and competitors to operate with their services. Otherwise, the company is facing fines of up to 10% of its total global revenue.
In a report, Apple said Meta had submitted 15 of the highest number of interoperability requests compared to other companies. This request includes extensive access to Apple technology, including a function deemed to be detrimental to user privacy.
In many cases, Meta wants to change the device's function so that it raises concerns about user privacy and security. Some of these requests are even irrelevant to the use of external Meta devices such as Meta Smart Glasses and Meta Quest," Apple said.
Apple also accused, if all these requests were granted, Meta could gain full access to users' devices, including reading messages, phone calls, files, calendars, to app activity logs.
Instead, Meta denied the claims. What Apple actually says is that they don't believe in interoperability,' said a Meta spokesperson. Every time Apple is accused of anticompetitive practices, they always use baseless privacy reasons.
The European Commission, which is tasked with overseeing business competition in the European Union, has released preliminary findings regarding the case. The Commission requested input from various parties until January 9, before determining steps to ensure Apple complies with DMA rules.
The move includes the necessity for Apple to provide clear guidance regarding stages and interoperability criteria, provide developers with periodic updates, and provide a fair technical dispute resolution mechanism.
The final decision from the European Commission on Apple's compliance with DMA rules is expected to come out in March next year.
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