JAKARTA - Tech giant Google decided to label the data transparency accessed on its Android app on the Play Store. This is similar to what Apple does through the App Store.

Apple is known to label each of its apps on the App Store with the word "Nutrition." Basically the label adds a layer of transparency to the App Store to tell the user what kind of data the app is accessing on the device, so if the user is uncomfortable, then don't download it.

"Similar to app details such as screenshots and descriptions, developers are responsible for the information disclosed on their part. Google Play will introduce policies that require developers to provide accurate information," Google said as reported by Gizmodo.

The company also noted that apps that do not comply will deal with policy rules. Interestingly, it took Google a while to comply with the label in Apple's App Store.

"If we find that a developer has misinterpreted the data they provided and violated the policy, we will ask the developer to correct it," he added.

After all, Google's move is still a good thing for users in the end, so that Android user data isn't misused by app developers. Google will give developers until early 2022 to comply.

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