JAKARTA - It seems that the Indonesian people have to wait longer to enjoy the 5G network in Indonesia. The reason is, the Minister of Communication and Information Technology (Menkominfo) Johnny G. Plate emphasized that the network development is still in its early stages.

The government, through the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemkominfo), is patching blankspots or areas where internet access has not yet been reached.

From the Kemenkominfo report, there are 83,218 villages or wards in Indonesia, of which 12,548 villages or wards have not been reached by 4G signals.

Even so, the government is simultaneously preparing the deployment of a 5G network, so that later the ecosystem can be better prepared.

"There are a number of things that I have to straighten out. Yes, we must now prepare for 5G deployment, but at the same time our focus is to increase the internet link ratio and reduce internet disparity between regions throughout our country through massive 4G deployments for the community. "Johnny said in an official statement quoted by VOI, Thursday, April 29.

"That is the main and foremost task in the context of our current digital transformation," he added.

Furthermore, regarding the implementation of 5G, Johnny said that Indonesia was not left behind from other countries. Because, there are still many countries that are just starting to roll out the 5G network.

For example, Singapore, which is currently deploying new 5G connectivity in the range of 2 percent, while in the Philippines it is in the range of 0.9 percent.

"So, we are not left behind, but we are indeed preparing so that the 5G ecosystem is truly ready, so that the deployment of 5G will provide benefits and returns that are beneficial to society and adequate returns for 5G operators. We must prepare including the preparation of regulations," he explained. Johnny.

Johnny said one thing that needs to be straightened out is that the 2.3 GHz frequency auction is not only aimed at 5G development.

"Don't get me wrong, later the world and the experts laugh at Indonesia as if 2.3 GHz or 2,300 MHz were only for 5G. Sorry, the world will laugh at us because of mistakes and communication mistakes because the main frequency spectrum for 5G is not only 2, 3 GHz, but on the other side too. So, all levels include the lower band, coverage band and high band, as well as ultrahigh bands. This must be clear, "said Johnny.

Finally, Minister Johnny explained that Indonesia needed a 5G network to support the acceleration of digital transformation in all regions of the Indonesian homeland.

"So that we don't get too excited, but disturb our whole program. Because the big plan to accelerate our national digital transformation has received the world's attention, "he said.

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