JAKARTA Google Keep is a simple application that is used to store important notes. Apart from recording various information, Google Keep can also be used to save image ideas.
If you are a designer or have an image hobby, you can get ideas anywhere and anytime. Open a special editing application or find a book to put ideas into waste quite a lot of time.
By saving time, you won't lose your idea. In fact, you can develop your idea quickly. Therefore, having an application that can accommodate rough sketches is the right thing to do.
Google Keep can be used to draw sketches even though the tools provided are very simple. What's more, this application has a small capacity, much smaller than digital image-making applications such as Ibis Paint.
If you activate image mode in the Keep app, you will see a wide selection of pen styles, colors, and deletions to remove unwanted parts. To draw on the Keep, here are the steps you need to do.
Apart from choosing colors, you can also choose the thickness of the pen by tapping the icon. If you want to delete the image, tap the Delete icon on the left side of Pena. If you want to draw from the start, tap the Delete icon, then select Clear Kanvas.
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