JAKARTA - In the midst of the polemic of limiting the use of DeepSee AI, Telegram founder and CEO, Pavel Durov said that DeepSeek startups are evidence of China's rapid advances in technology.
According to him, China's advantage in AI development does not just appear. This is driven by the achievements of students in the country in the international Olympics of mathematics and programming for years.
"In terms of producing excellent students in mathematics and science, China's middle education system is superior to Western countries," Durov said on his personal channel on Telegram.
According to Durov, China adopted a much more competitive education system, so students raced to get first place.
Instead, he considered that the education system in Western countries tends to avoid competition by banning the announcement of student values and ratings.
"The reason behind it is understandable to protect students from pressure or ridicule. However, this step also indirectly weakens the motivation of the best students," he explained.
With China's rapid advances in AI and technology, Durov warned that without major reforms in the Western education system, countries like the US would be further lagging behind.
The AI benchmark that shows DeepSek's superiority is one form of public ranking, and many more will come. Unless the US secondary education system undergoes massive reforms, China's dominance in technology seems inevitable," he concluded.
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