JAKARTA - Developer and publisher Circle 5 has announced that its newest competitive shootout game, Primal Carnage: Evolution will be coming to PS4 in 2025.

As a continuation of Primal Carnage: Extinction, Primal Carnage: Evolution is now available for a list of wishes on the PlayStation Store.

Similar to its predecessor, Primal Carnage: Evolution will feature a multiplayer action in which one team of players acts as a dinosaur while the other players become fully armed hunters against dinosaurs.

If you choose to play, play as one of 12 different dyno classes, don't forget to use Rour's ability to win the battlefield in the game.

On its official website, the game will support up to 16 players and feature new dinosaurs, capabilities, and weapons according to its official website. The game also offers higher resolution and frame rates at PS4 Pro and PS5.

Unlike Extinction, Primal Carnage: Evolution also doesn't seem to have a release plan for PC, as Circle 5 only mentions the PlayStation platform.

In addition, Primal Carnage: Evolution will also feature a list of more dinosaurs to play with than Extinction, as well as many customization options.

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