JAKARTA Yukai Engineering, a Japanese robotics startup, introduces a small robot with unusual abilities. The robot that can be hung in this cup is named Nékojita FuFu.

The ability of the robot exhibited at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2025 is very simple. Nékojita FuFu is designed to blow hot food and drinks to cool quickly. That way, people don't need to blow it independently.

The company explains that this tiny robot has a 'breathing' thanks to the internal fan on its inside. This fan uses a special algorithm called the 'Fu-ing System' to make it feel random and strong like humans.

With its small size, this portable robot can be installed to any dining utensils, be it cups, bowls, and others. However, the means of eating used must have a straight edge so that Nékojita FuFu's hands can be paired.

"We created Nékojita FuFu as a personal meal companion, so you can solve the 'néko-jita' (or intelligence on hot food) problem anywhere, anytime," said Tsubasa Tominaga, Head of Marketing Yukai Engineering, quoted from its official website.

In addition to helping people with sensitive tongue, Tsubasa said that this robot can also help the role of parents. Nékojita FuFu can cool food quickly and entertain children while eating their food.

"This robot not only helps you enjoy hot coffee. This robot can make it easier for seniors to finish hot soup and reduce their parental duties by helping children eat without much help," said Tsubasa.

After being exhibited at CES 2025, Yukai Engineering plans to release Nékojita FuFu in the middle of this year in Japan. Before launching, they will complete raising funds of 3,800 Japanese yen (Rp390 thousand).

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