JAKARTA - Delivery of products, especially to remote locations, packaging must be done properly so that the product is not damaged. Products are usually packaged in cardboard, then provided with protection such as styrofoam or bubble wrap.
However, recently the Japanese company, Azechi Foods, made creative innovations related to package protectors. The company replaced styrofoam with popcorn packaging to protect the contents of the package so that it would not be damaged by the impact.
Quoting from Oddity Central, on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, popcorn is packed in a transparent bag with air in it. This makes it very suitable as a package protector, as well as food.
Shihoko Wada, Azechi Foods manager, said this creative innovation was inspired by management seminars. At that time, he saw Umaibo, a corn snack that was also used as a cushion or package protector.
Then, he thought popcorn could provide the same benefits, namely as a package protector. Even though the price becomes more expensive, the selection of protectors of the popcorn package will provide its own satisfaction for consumers.
Interestingly, popcorn is also packaged with a humorous message. According to Shihoko, customers who receive the packaging feel appreciated and are more closely connected to the company.
Azechi Food's creative innovation immediately attracted attention and praise on social media. This is because the idea is considered unique and useful for reducing Styrofoam waste, as well as protecting the environment.
People like this concept because it is fun and unusual. Thecorns are also not just a substitute, but also a solution," said Shihoko Wada.
Meanwhile, the popcorn packaging that is used as a package protector by Azechi Foods consists of two sizes, namely 40 grams and 13 grams. In the future, the company hopes to create other sizes and other attractive packaging styles that entertain customers.
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