JAKARTA Unlike last year, astronomical phenomena will become rare in 2025. The reason is, the sky will be free from total eclipses and only display a partial long-distance solar eclipse.

However, the universe never rests. The sun is still very active and there are still many comets or asteroids that will approach Earth. From some astronomical events this year, there are some that still deserve to be monitored directly.

Although not as good as the phenomenon last year, here is a list of the top astronomical phenomena that can be observed throughout 2025, citing Sciencealert.

12 Best Astronomy Phenomenon In 2025

This year's celestial events are not really rare. There are still many things to consider, it's just not as much as last year. People may not see the phenomenon of a devastating solar eclipse as happened in April.

However, these various events are interesting to note if you want to add to astronomical insight. Interestingly, this year's phenomenon is dominated by planetary activity in the solar system. The following is a list of the best phenomena that should not be missed.

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