JAKARTA When users want to show a certain part of a song or audio, they no longer need to remember the time. The reason is, YouTube Music has launched a feature to help with this.

Based on the findings of 9to5google, YouTube Music users can now add a time stamp when they want to share certain parts of their favorite audio. This ability also works on episodes on the YouTube Music podcast.

This feature is available to platforms across devices, either YouTube Music website or YouTube Music mobile app. There are still many users who have not seen this feature because the launch is still being carried out in stages.

If you've seen this feature, you no longer need to mention the part of the song manually because this action can be a hassle for both parties. You just need to find the desired audio, then tap the Share button.

On the website, you will see a minute and a second sign at the bottom of the URL and a checklist on the side. This checklist sign can be disabled if you don't want to include a time stamp. Unlike the mobile app, you will see its features at the top of the window.

To make it easier to share audio with time, you can click the whale button on the part you want. After that, you can directly click the Share option and copy the link to friends or relatives via various messaging platforms.

Users can still open the audio in the part you want as long as the checklist on the stamp has been activated. This happens because YouTube Music will include a time stamp into the link with the 't=xx' code where the 'xx' represents the number of seconds.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)