JAKARTA - Alibaba Cloud has been named one of the four leading companies among nine global cloud providers evaluated in Forrester's report, with the 2nd highest score in the latest bidding and strategy categories.

Recognition in the "The Forrester Wave: Public Cloud Platforms Q4 2024" report shows the capacity of AI innovation through its own AI model, a wide selection of foundation models, and innovation of Model-as-a-Service (MaaS).

In addition, the report also highlights that MaaS Alibaba Cloud's core infrastructure and capabilities allow the provision of large-model repositories for AI across China.

Alibaba has raised serverless service standards beyond AI, by packing powerful cloud-native infrastructure into easier-to-access offers for developers and operators, with data and analytics as its main advantage, Forrester said in the report.

Forrester also said that Alibaba is the right choice for a Chinese-based company or an international corporation that requires a cloud scale in the Asia Pacific region, as well as part of Africa, Europe, and Latin America.

Forrester's report resulted from an evaluation with 30 criteria against the nine most prominent public cloud platform providers. Each provider is judged based on their latest supply power, strategy, and presence in the market.

Alibaba Cloud managed to achieve the highest assessment score (5.0 out of 5.0) in 17 criteria, including database services, data integration and governance, container and Cubenetes services, serverless/FaaS services, computing, IoT, storage services, and AI development services.

Our priority is to expand our cloud-native infrastructure and AI capabilities in public cloud spaces to support customers. We are honored by Forrester's recognition of our efforts in this area," said Jingren Zhou, Chief Technology Officer of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence.

This is the first time Alibaba Cloud has received recognition as Leader among leading public cloud platform providers in the report.

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