JAKARTA - Based on data from CoinMarketCap on Thursday, December 5 at around 11.00 WIB, the price of Bitcoin was at 103,418 US dollars or equivalent to Rp1.64 billion.
Responding to this condition, Robby as Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) Reku said that this momentum is a new milestone in the crypto investment ecosystem.
"The increase in Bitcoin prices has boosted the growth in year-to-date Bitcoin performance by almost reaching 130%," Robby said in a written statement received.
According to Robby, one of the catalysts for the Bitcoin price spike is the optimism of market players towards the potential shift in the direction of US regulations which will be more supportive of crypto assets following news regarding the appointment of cabinet members known as pro cryptocurrencies.
Robby continued, the current situation has the potential to encourage public enthusiasm for crypto assets. In fact, this price spike can illustrate the potential for high profits in investing in crypto.
Conditions like this can also attract the attention of people who have not invested in crypto to start investing. According to him, the surge in novice investors has the potential to occur. Moreover, nowadays it is difficult for people to be able to invest in crypto assets starting from IDR 5,000 alone.
However, Reku appealed to the public to continue to do independent research to understand crypto assets and their risks before making a decision.
"Even so, Reku continues to invite the public to prioritize understanding before starting to invest and adapt to their respective risk profiles," added Robby.
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