JAKARTA - Until now, the Ministry of Industry has not issued an extension of the TKDN certificate for Apple. As a result, all new iPhone Series 16 products cannot be traded in Indonesia.

However, until November 10, 2024, the Ministry of Industry noted that as many as 11,000 iPhone 16 have entered the country through the Directorate General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), including as passenger luggage.

Apple has also offered new investments to the Indonesian government with a value of around US $ 100 million or around Rp. 1.58 trillion for two years. However, the government wants Apple to spend US $ 1 billion (Rp. 15.8 trillion) investment funds for one year.

When the government was still arguing about the licensing of the iPhone 16, this uncertainty then caused losses to the community and the state, including distributors.

Member of the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN), Heru Sutadi also said that the unclear agreement between Apple and the government would certainly harm the public as consumers.

"There has been a case, when there are Indonesians who buy the iPhone 16 in Malaysia. It turns out that they can't be used to Indonesia," Heru said at the Selular Business Forum (SBF) discussion "Conceiving Profits of Loss of iPhone 16 Ban for the Community and State" on Thursday, December 5 in Jakarta.

In addition to harming consumers, Heru said that the ban on the iPhone 16 also has the potential to fertilize the practice of importing pararel (smuggling) so that illegal goods will reappear and harm more parties.

"With the iPhone 16 that has not yet entered, it can lead to illegal acts such as fraud because IMEI appears fake after buying it, it turns out that the iPhone 16 cannot be used," he continued.

Furthermore, according to Heru, if consumers buy something, they must get full-sale services and settle consumer complaints if the goods/services received are not in accordance with the agreement.

"According to Article 19 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, consumers must get full-sale and complaint settlement services. With the tough agreement, consumer losses that have already purchased the iPhone 16 from abroad are also increasing," he said.

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