JAKARTA 1Password, a platform that supports passkey management or passwords, reveals that they managed to break records in the last two years. This is due to increased adoption.

Since its release in mid-2022, 1Password has supported all of its partners by offering the ability to import and export password keys and supporting password keys on apps and websites to facilitate access.

With solutions that make it easier for users and security to be strong, more than 4.2 million password keys have been stored in 1Password and that number continues to grow every day. 1Password says that the password storage spike is due to the adoption of large platforms.

"For example, when X (previously known as Twitter) announced global password support on iOS, 89,953 new passwords were created and stored in 1Password in the same week," explains 1Password, quoted via its official website.

In addition to the soaring number of passwords, 1Password says that it has automatically filled in 15.4 million passwords, about 2.1 million password authentication done every month, and one in 3.4 customers who use an extension at least saves one code key in 1Password.

This password key management platform also found that 73 percent of their customers are regular consumer accounts, while the other 27 percent are business accounts. In line with these findings, 206 companies have added log-in options with password keys.

"This adoption metric is not just an important milestone for 1Password because we are at the forefront of advocacy without passwords. This is proof of our customer confidence in 1Password to provide secure and reliable password support," said 1Password.

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