YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian government has set rules that refer to national and international law to maintain and regulate its territorial waters. What is the article that regulates territorial waters in Indonesia?
Indonesia is known as the largest maritime country in the world with a sea area of about 3.25 million square kilometers. Its strategic location between two continents and two oceans makes Indonesia have waters rich in natural resources and biodiversity.
In order to maintain fair sovereignty and utilization, legal arrangements regarding Indonesian territorial waters are very important. The Indonesian government sets rules that refer to national and international law to maintain and regulate its territorial waters.
Rules regarding territorial waters in Indonesia are regulated in various articles and laws aimed at protecting the interests of the nation and regulating the use of water resources in a sustainable manner.
As the highest legal basis in Indonesia, the 1945 Constitution regulates territorial waters in Article 25A. This article reads:
"The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has the characteristics of the archipelago with an area whose boundaries and rights are set by law."
This article confirms the concept of an archipelagic state owned by Indonesia. This concept is recognized internationally in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which states that the sea area among the islands within the archipelago is part of the country's sovereignty.
This law is the main legal basis governing Indonesian territorial waters. In this law, it is stated that Indonesian waters consist of:
This law also regulates the boundaries of Indonesian marine areas drawn from the baseline of the archipelago. This baseline is used to measure the territorial sea width of 12 nautical miles in accordance with international law of the sea regulated in UNCLOS.
As a country that has ratified UNCLOS 1982 through Law Number 17 of 1985. Indonesia is subject to international provisions regarding territorial waters. Here are some of the main provisions in the relevant UNCLOS:
In Law Number 5 of 1983 concerning the Exclusive Economic Zone, Indonesia has the right to explore and exploit natural resources in waters as far as 200 nautical miles from the baseline.
This concept strengthens Indonesia's sovereignty in managing resources in the EEZ region. Meanwhile, continental takeoff, regulated in Law No. 1 of 1973, covers the seabed and land beneath it to some extent beyond the territorial sea.
Apart from laws, various government regulations and policies also regulate the use of water areas. Some of them are:
Demikianlah penjelasan mengenai pasal yang mengatur wilayah perairan di Indonesia berdasarkan hukum nasional dan internasional. Pengaturan wilayah perairan Indonesia bertujuan untuk menjaga kedaulatan, keamanan, dan keberberlanjutan sumber daya alam. Baca juga batas laut teritorial negara Indonesia.
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