JAKARTA After Cyprus, Chile is now officially part of the Artemis Agreement initiated by NASA. The country officially joined after a contract signing ceremony on Friday, October 25.

The ceremony was held at NASA Headquarters so Chile officially became the 47th country to support lunar and space exploration missions. NASA administrator Bill Nelson, who was present at the contract-depression ceremony, welcomed Chile's decision well.

According to Nelson, Chile decided to join the Artemis Family to put forward a joint space sustainability commitment. This decision will help NASA in exploring the Moon responsibly.

"Now we will go to the stars together, safely, and responsibly, and create new opportunities for international cooperation and the Generation of Artemis," Nelson said.

Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation Aisén Etcheverry is the representative of the country that signed the Artemis Agreement. However, Etcheverry did not attend alone, accompanied by Juan Gabriel Valdés as Chile's Ambassador to the United States.

After signing the agreement, Etcheverry said that this collaboration is an important milestone for his country in advancing technology development. Together with dozens of other countries, Chile could engage in scientific projects and the development of advanced technology.

"This collaboration allows us to contribute to areas of scientific excellence where Chile has prominent expertise, such as astrobiology, geology, and mineralogi, all of which are important for space exploration and colonization," said Etcheverry.

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