JAKARTA The Telecommunication and Information Accessibility Agency (BAKTI) of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) explained a strategy to increase the use of the Palapa Ring which has been operating since 2018, as the main telecommunication infrastructure in supporting connectivity in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN).

The focus of network improvement is directed at the Central Palapa Ring, which includes the East Kalimantan region as the location of the IKN. According to Plt. Director of IT Services for the BAKTI Business Entity of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Yulis Widyo Marfiah, coordination is carried out with various parties, including associations such as APJII and APJATEL, as well as network operators for collaboration in increasing the capacity and utilization of the passive fiber (dark fiber) Palapa Ring.

The Central Palapa Ring consists of six projects connecting the areas of East Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, North Maluku, and North Sulawesi. With a total length of 3,102 kilometers of fiber optic cable, divided into 1,798 kilometers of submarine cables and 1,304 kilometers of land cables, this Palapa Ring is an important telecommunication backbone. For the IKN region, the Central Palapa Ring Project 4 serves the Long Bagun 'Sendawar area.

Central Palapa Ring utilization continues to increase. In 2018, the network capacity used reached 20.17 percent (121 Gbps), and in 2024, this utilization rose to 44 percent (264 Gbps). However, further optimization is still needed so that this infrastructure can provide maximum digital connectivity.

BAKTI has prepared various initiatives to increase the use of the Central Palapa Ring, such as implementing a "pay per use" scheme, discounts for existing customers and potential customers, product development, as well as cooperation through swap cores and swap capacities with long-term commitments.

In addition to improving infrastructure, BAKTI Kemenkominfo also strengthens human resources through assistance, especially for MSME players. The goal is that digital connectivity can support online transactions, distribution of goods and services, as well as expand local business opportunities through e-commerce. Thus, it is hoped that there will be an increase in productivity and quality of life for the community, as well as better economic impacts.

"We hope that this connectivity will be able to facilitate access and accelerate economic growth, both locally and internationally, especially in areas that were previously difficult to reach," said Yulis.

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