JAKARTA After presenting the ability to upload images made by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for playlist thumbnails, YouTube Music will now allow users to upload custom images.

Apparently, this capability is being tested by Google. A number of users on Reddit, citing from 9to5google, reported that they saw a new pencil icon in the right corner of thumbnails when opening the playlist page.

The icon, which is only visible on the YouTube Music website, has two options to tap on, namely the Select option from the Library and Delete Special Images. If tapping the first option, users can select the image from their computer's internal data.

When the image is uploaded, a preview of the image will appear and use can cut it down according to the specified image size. After that, the playlist will change immediately within a second after the image upload is approved.

The photo size for thumbnails will remain the same as before. Either using an AI image-producing tool or uploading from internal computer data, images for thumbnails must be 2x2 in size.

This is a feature that some YouTube Music users have long been waiting for. Compared to using AI-based images, some users are more interested in uploading custom images or their own.

Not many reports about this feature so it is not known whether Google is still developing its features or preparing its features for release. It is also not known whether this feature will be available on the YouTube Music mobile app.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)