JAKARTA - Industrial companies usually operate using geographically spread infrastructure with factories, branch offices, and other important facilities located in different places.

This uniqueness can lead to a series of problems such as logistical problems, communication barriers, difficulty coordinating operations, maintaining consistent quality standards, and ensuring compliance with local regulations.

In addition to the challenges mentioned above, industrial companies that have branches in various places periodically face IT infrastructure problems and information security.

According to Kaspersky's report entitled Managing geographically distributed businesses: challenges and solutions, as many as 49 percent of manufacturing companies consider that efforts to effectively detect and resolve cybersecurity incidents are the most challenging task.

They also said monitoring the implementation of security measures (46 percent) and building a cohesive security policy (42 percent) was a significant difficulty.

Nearly 30 percent of respondents stated that they regularly experience network problems such as network failures or network disruptions, poor service and application performance, and inadequate connection capacity.

Where 38 percent of them face these challenges once to three times a month, while 28 percent deal with them every few months, and 7 percent even experience it every week.

Regarding the time it takes to restore the network after failure or disruption, the majority of respondents (74 percent) said it usually takes between 1 and 5 hours.

Swmentara itu, 15 persen menyatakan mereka menghabiskan waktu tidak lebih dari 1 jam, dan 10 persen lainnya mengaku membutuhkan hingga satu hari kerja penuh.

"Network issues in industrial companies often result in delays, declines in production rates, financial losses, and reputational risks," said Maxim Kaminsky, Business Development Manager (Secure Access Service Edge) at Kaspersky.

Because according to him, when the network is cut off, communication and business processes are disrupted, employees lose access to important information, and all of this causes a decrease in productivity and even erodes customer confidence.

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