JAKARTA - A number of iPhone users recently reported a drastic drop in battery life after installing iOS 18. Some users even experienced a power reduction of up to 20% to 30% in just one hour after the update.

This battery reduction makes it difficult for users to be able to use mobile phones throughout the day with a single charge. This situation is getting worse news for iOS users, considering that until now the iPhone still doesn't offer competitive charging speeds compared to many Android phones in the same price range. In fact, many iPhone users still have to charge their cellphones overnight.

However, Apple has provided several steps to help users identify and address the causes of the battery shortage quickly, which can improve battery performance. For beta version 18 iOS users, the decline in battery performance is a common thing, as similar problems have been reported by beta testers before.

According to Apple Support, although users can directly use their iPhone after updating, some processes are still running in the background which temporarily affects battery life and thermal performance. This process makes the device consume more power until all background tasks are completed.

If you experience a decrease in battery performance after installing iOS 18, there is no need to worry. Usually, battery optimization will be stable after a few days as the system adjusts to the new update.

Tips For Reducing The Use Of More Batteries

Although the iPhone will usually optimize battery usage over time, there are several steps users can take to reduce power consumption:

To understand the use of batteries further, users can go to Settings > Battery and check Activity and Battery Usage graphs. This tool shows which app consumes the most power, allowing users to make the necessary adjustments.

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