JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information officially operates the Disaster Information System (EWS) through digital television broadcasts.

Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi stated that the EWS Digital service is a clear proof of the Government's presence and role in protecting the public from the risk of natural disasters.

"We hope that the disaster can be minimized, this is part of the protection of the community, the responsibility of the state to the community. Because the state is responsible for protecting all of Indonesia's bloodshed," Budi said at his inauguration in Bali, Monday, September 23.

With this inauguration, Indonesians who use Digital TV will receive notification via SMS Blast and live on TV, shortly before the natural disaster occurs, including earthquakes and tsunamis.

In addition to EWS Digital TV, together with the Japanese Government, Kominfo is also developing a Disaster Prevention Information System (DPIS) to support disaster management by ministries and institutions in Indonesia.

In the EWS Digital TV and DPIS trials, Budi found that a disaster notification would appear in three alarm levels, accompanied by a display on the digital broadcast screen with a notification of blue, yellow, and red.

Biru color shows a disaster at alert, yellow alert, and red levels at alert level. After watching the trial, Minister Budi Arie provided technical notes.

The Minister of Communication and Information explained that in the operation of the DIPS and ESW Digital TV services, ministries and institutions related to disaster affairs would be carried out.

Kominfo akan teknisnya, nanti yang (operasial sistem) dari BMKG (Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika) dan BNPB (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana) serta lembaga terkait lainnya, jelasnya.

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