JAKARTA - Director General of Information and Public Communication (IKP) of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Prabu Revolution, said it was possible for Indonesia to review regulations on age restrictions in playing social media.
This initiative was carried out because it reflected on several countries that were reviewing similar rules. As the latest is Australia, which claims to be testing age verification.
"Maybe we will regulate it, but whether the regulations will arrive there, we still have to study it," said Prabu at the Ngopi with Kominfo event on Friday, September 13 at the Kominfo office, Jakarta.
Prabu added, "now we are preparing together how to create a healthy public space, all commitment platforms. We are trying to formulate what form it will be because otherwise, the victims are the people, the children."
Some time ago, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said that the local government was currently testing age verification, before they would introduce regulations regarding the minimum age limit in playing social media.
Albanese did not mention how old the minimum is. However, the age could range from 14 to 16 years. However, if the law was enacted, then Australia would be the first country to impose age restrictions on children in social media play.
Prabu also admitted that the Indonesian government was working to regulate the age limit for children in playing social media. However, there is no certainty whether Indonesia will follow in Australia's footsteps.
"However, the rules for using social media for children have begun to create clustering for children aged 6 years until there are content that can exist anyone, the content has already been arranged," concluded Prabu.
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