JAKARTA The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is designed by NASA to search for fossils of galaxy formation. This observation tool will provide clues to the history and origin of galaxies.

To optimize Roman observations, NASA provides grants to astronomers who will conduct Roman Infrared Nearby Galaxy Survey (RINGS) observations. Through these observations, astronomers will investigate the images Roman collects.

"RINGS surveys are a preliminary concept that may or may not be applied during Roman science missions," NASA said. "Roman prepared uniquely for RINGS because of its resolution similar to the Hubble Space Telescope."

As a sky observer telescope, Roman's field of view is claimed to be 200 times larger than the Hubble Telescope. Therefore, NASA believes that astronomers can search for fossils of galaxy formation using this tool.

Galaxies always leave traces of their evolution in their stellar structure, which is later referred to as fossils. Scientists believe that fossils of galaxies or the history of galaxy evolution, including chemical elements when stars form, will be found in ancient groups of stars.

" Roman's high resolution will allow scientists to find fossils of these galaxies, using structures ranging from long tidal tails in the outskirts of galaxies to stellar streams within galaxies," NASA explained.

In addition to observing and knowing the process of galaxy formation, RINGS observations are also designed to investigate the most difficult substances found in the universe, namely dark matter. The reason is, this substance is invisible, but scientists trust a lot.

"The astronomical community will be closer to finding the truth about this unobservable dark matter, which is much larger than apparent material. Dark matter compiles about 80 percent of the universe's matter," NASA said.

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