JAKARTA - The arrest of Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov, has become a warning to global technology leaders. The investigation into Durov began by a small cybercrime unit within the Paris prosecutor's office, led byUL Brousse, a 38-year-old prosecutor. This arrest marks significant changes in the way global authorities handle heads of technology companies that are reluctant to monitor illegal content on their platforms.

Durov, 39, was arrested on Saturday, August 24 on charges of involvement in criminal organizations, including allowing the spread of images of child sexual abuse, drug trafficking and fraud on the Telegram platform. Durov is currently under an official investigation in France, but is still free on bail and barred from leaving the country.

Brousse's team, which consists of five prosecutors, began investigating Durov earlier this year after frustration with "nearly no response from Telegram to a judicial request," Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau said. Although this arrest shows the determination of Brousse's J3 unit, the real challenge is whether Brousse can confirm a penalty based on a legal argument that has yet to be tested.

Brousse has previously handled major cases, including Sky ECC and Encrochat, which are used by criminal networks for drug and weapons trafficking. Although there is no direct link between Telegram's investigations and previous cases, this experience provides confidence to prosecutors to target Durov.

However, legal experts question whether the argument that Durov is responsible for crimes on his platform is strong enough to prove in court. "The fact that Telegram does not comply with law enforcement requests does not automatically make someone an accomplice to a criminal project," said Robin Binsard, a lawyer who has handled the Encrochat case in France's highest court.

Durov's arrest became an important symbol in France's efforts to enforce regulations against encrypted messaging service providers, and may set a precedent for other similar application operators in the future.

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