JAKARTA - LG Innotek will again be a key player in component supply for the iPhone 16 Pro series, especially in terms of telephoto camera sensors. According to a report from Korean media, The Elec, the South Korean component company has received full orders for the first batch of folding zoom modules to be used on the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max.

In addition, LG Innotek will also work with Jawa Electronics to provide Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) actuators.

Apple relied on LG Innotek as the sole provider of the telephoto camera module on the iPhone 15 Pro Max last year. This year, Japanese company Sharp was predicted to join the production of the camera module, but the latest report states that Sharp has withdrawn from the deal. As a result, LG Innotek will remain the main supplier to the iPhone 16 Pro series.

A report from The Elec states that an initial order of telephoto camera sensors for the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max covers more than half of the projected total number, in which some sources state that LG Innotek will supply about 70% of the total expected sales. The rest of the camera sensors will be manufactured by Foxconn and Cowell in the fourth quarter of 2024, as part of Apple's efforts to reduce production costs.

This telephoto camera module is one of the key components in Apple's competition in the premium smartphone market. Last year, the iPhone 15 Pro Max introduced the Tetraprism camera with 5x optical zoom, which is expected to continue to be present in this year's Pro and Pro Max models.

In addition to producing folding zoom modules, LG Innotek will also work with Jawa Electronics, a Korean electronics company, to provide OIS actuators that will improve image quality and video stability on the iPhone 16 Pro series. This actuator plays an important role in maintaining image sharpness even though the camera experiences shocks during shooting or video capture.

Although Sharp is originally projected to join the production of the telephoto camera module for the iPhone 16 Pro, the Japanese company has finally decided not to continue its engagement. This gives LG Innotek the opportunity to strengthen its position as the main supplier of camera components for Apple.

Apple also plans to produce some of these camera sensors at Foxconn and Cowell by the end of 2024. This step is taken to reduce average production costs, while ensuring component supply remains stable amid high market demand.

With LG Innotek again playing a major role in providing telephoto camera sensors, Apple is expected to continue to provide advanced camera technology innovations in the iPhone 16 Pro series, while maintaining its position at the top of the premium smartphone market.

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