JAKARTA NASA is again analyzing daily temperature data globally. The results of the latest analysis show that July 22 this year is the hottest day ever recorded by observational devices. Despite the hottest day on July 22, NASA said that July 21 and 23 had surpassed the record heat set in July last year. This latest record shows that the heating trend will continue as greenhouse gas emissions have not been resolved. "In the year recorded as the hottest year to date, the last two weeks have been brutal," said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. "NASA provides a critical analysis of how our planet changed and how the local community can prepare." The record of the hottest day was discovered after NASA scientists analyzed data from the Modern Era for Version 2 Research and Applications (MERRA-2) and the Advanced Processing of the Goddard Earth Observation System (GEOS-FP).

These two tools make global observations through instruments on land, sea, air, to satellites with atmospheric models. The MERRA-2 and GEOS-FP are run by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA's Goddard Space Aviation Center. These two observational models display an overall daily average temperature value. From 1980 to 2022 they were in safe statistics, whereas in 2023 they began to experience a drastic increase. Statistical views show that this year's daily heat temperature has exceeded last year. NASA said that the results of this analysis are in accordance with the analysis conducted by the European Union's Earth Observation Program.

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