JAKARTA The iconic logo of the US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) called meatball or meatballs will turn 65 years old. This logo will be birthday on July 15. Inaugurated in 1959, this logo was developed at the Lewis Research Center which has now changed its name to the Glenn Research Center. The chief designer of this logo was a NASA employee named James Modarelli. This design has become a hallmark of NASA by using red, white, and blue colors. The logo also includes several elements depicting outer space and aeronautical missions carried out by NASA. Since its inauguration, this logo has been used as NASA's official stamp, a symbol added to the rocket body, to the International Space Station (ISS). The logo has also been flown to the Moon via the Apollo mission in 1969.

Apart from being a hallmark of the institution, this round logo like meatballs is widely used in a variety of products. Derek Aimee, NASA's Manager of Trade Goods and Brands, says that this logo is in great demand. "NASA brand element is very popular," said Aimee. "Every year, the agency receives requests to sell more than 10,000 NASA-inspired items." The logo is added to clothes, bags, hats, and many more. As a form of celebration over the age of the meatball logo that reaches 65 years old, the Glenn Research Center will host a free entry day at the Great Lakes Science Center on July 15 to hold a cake cutting event.

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