JAKARTA Almost everyone often ignores the remaining garbage that is still stored on their computer. Usually, garbage will be left piled up until storage memory is almost full. Actually, there's no problem letting garbage accumulate if you remember to remove it before the storage space runs low. To remove the trash on time, you can use a reminder app like Bananabin. This newly launched application on Mac will give a warning as the Waste folder crosses the storage threshold. Bananabin will give a warning using a fly animation that surrounds the Trash. This elephant not only flies, but can be ejected and driven using a mouse. Unfortunately, this fly only works for internal storage and will not appear if iCloud storage or a full external drive folder.
Bananabin can set the waste threshold through three options, namely Janitor Mode for 10MB, The Recycler for 1GB, and Garbage Hoarder for 10GB. After selecting one option, flies will appear according to the chosen threshold. The new bananabin is available in beta so there are some bugs that still have to be addressed, but this application can be used for free. For now, Bananabin can only be used if your device uses macOS Sonoma. Bananabin developers are trying to expand its version of the application to other operating systems (OSs). They will add support for the application to macOS Ventura and will charge a small fee once, but it's not clear what the cost for.
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