JAKARTA - Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is still a topic or discussion that occurs or quite attracts public attention in all countries at the global level.

The results of research conducted by ELSAM and Access Partnership explain that Generative AI has great potential to open up significant economic opportunities, with an estimated production capacity of US$243.5 billion or around 18 percent of GDP in 2022.

But on the other hand, AI does not only bring economic opportunities, but also a number of risks that need to be mitigated. Therefore, Kominfo together with ELSAM, Indonesian Business, and Microsoft held a public discussion entitled "Preparing responsible and Trustworthy AI Regulations for Indonesia."

In his presentation, ELSAM Executive Director Wahyudi Djafar emphasized the importance of the presence of more binding regulations related to the development and use of Generative AI in the country.

"The Ministry of Communication and Informatics in December 2023 launched a Circular (SE) of the Minister of Communication and Information on artificial intelligence ethics, which is a reference in the development and use of artificial intelligence technology," said Wahyudi.

According to Wahyudi, the drafting of this binding regulation on AI has also been carried out by various other countries, considering that the United Nations through the general assembly has appealed to its member countries to immediately prepare regulations for the use of responsible AI.

"This is something quite crucial if we follow a number of developments at the global level. Today we are trying to continue the process and initiative with the proposal to form a more binding regulation or legally binding," he continued.

According to him, there are several countries outside Indonesia that have also processed the tour, including the European Union, South Korea, Brazil, and many other countries.

"EUs, for example, have approved the Artificial Intelligence Act which regulates very comprehensively how the use of AI, interested actors in the context of the use of AI, how their responsibility is, and how to then enforce the use of AI itself," Wahyudi said.

Selain itu, Korea Selatan melalui majelis nasional mereka sudah melakukan pembahasan terhadap Artificial Intelligence Act. Hal yang sama juga dilakukan oleh parlemen di Brasil, yang telah mengajukan usulan inisiat ini dan akan mulai melakukan proses pembahasan untuk membuat aturan yang lebih membuat.

"We at ELSAM are trying to then lead to various global developments related to AI regulation and governance. So, we are trying to achieve a number of substances and materials, related to the definition and scope of the AI system, how the AI system works, then also refers to the guidelines and principles have also been developed by other countries," he said.

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